Monday, February 05, 2007

Astro is Back!

Yippee! I was coming home on Friday after work and praying...yep, praying for something to happen. I had started praying since she first came up "missing" and had come to a full knowledge that God was in control, that he would deliver her to me -- whether in a good way or bad. Well, I had prayed that Friday extra hard because we have had some cold and wet nights, and I was worried. Lo and behold, a Siamese crossed by path about four blocks from our house. It wasn't Astro, but I couldn't believe that I would even see one out and about! As I turned the corner one block from our house -- I noticed another Siamese cross by path about 1/2 a block away. I couldn't help muttering out loud how God would throw two of the same species of cats in front of me -- never having seen to many in one day! I stopped the car; rolled down the window and called out her name. She stopped...she turned to look at me...she meowed. I knew right away. It took about 10 min. of coaxing, but she finally came to me. I wrapped my arms around her not knowing exactly how I was going to get her in the car (she scratches!) and she lived up to that! She gave me a good long scratch on the palm of my hand just as I was in front of that open window! I threw thru the window and she cowered until I got in. After that, she settled down. She has been one happy camper since. I've had to sleep with her 'cause I am just so happy to have her with me! So, please remember this: God does answer prayers. They may not be quite the way we would like them answered...I even had doubts I would see her alive, but I quickly pushed those thoughts away knowing full well that only One was in control, and He never lets us down.

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